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Mavi Duman


All manuscripts are to be submitted by email

Send your ABSTRACTS and FULL TEXTS  to

All submissions must be prepared in accordance with the following instructions:

Abstracts submitted in English, Turkish, , Arabic and Russian. Submissions (doc. Times New Roman) should be prefaced by an abstract of no longer than 350 words, together with up to five keywords, an address for correspondence and phone number. 



The congress provides a focus for theoretical, applied, interdisciplinary, history of thought and methodological work, with strong emphasis on realistic analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evidence, and the construction of policy. The Editors welcome submissions in this spirit on all social sciences.



Authors are asked to use mathematics only when its application does not compromise realistic analysis. When mathematics is used, the major steps in the argument and the conclusions should be made intelligible to a non-mathematical reader. Authors should put the mathematical parts of their argument into an appendix.



All copies must be in Journal style (see the sample), and double spaced (including footnotes and references). Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, indicated by superscript figures in the text, and collected on a single page placed at the end of the manuscript. Please do not use the automatic footnote feature of your word processing program. Tables and figures should be attached on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript and their position indicated in the text. Citations in the text should use the Harvard System of short references (e.g. Isenman, 1980, pp. 66-7; Brown, 1975A, 1993B) with a full alphabetical list at the end in the following style:

  • Isenman, P. 1980. Basic needs: the case of Sri Lanka, World Development , vol. 8, no. 3, 237-58

  • Myrdal, G. 1939. Monetary Equilibrium , London, Hodge

  • Phillips, A.W.H. 1953. 'Dynamic Models in Economics', PhD Thesis, University of London

  • If you use EndNote and/or Reference Manager to facilitate referencing citations (not required for submission), this journal's style is available for use.



Papers published in Advance Access are citeable using the ISBN and publication date. An example of an Advance Access citation is given below:

  • Brammer, S and Millington, A. 'Profit maximisation vs. agency: an analysis of charitable giving by UK firms', Cambridge Journal of Economics Advance Access published April 4, 2005, doi:10.1093/cje/bei036.

       The same paper in its final form would be cited:

  • Brammer, S. and Millington, A. 'Profit maximisation vs. agency: an analysis of charitable giving by UK firms', Cambridge Journal of Economics , 29 (4), pp. 517-534. First published April 4, 2005: doi:10.1093/cje/bei036.



Before submitting a comment (normally no more than 1500 words) on any article published in the Journal, a copy of the comment should be sent to the author of the original article with a request they respond to any points of possible misunderstanding. The comment should not be submitted for publication before this response has been received unless the original author does not reply within a reasonable time.



Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that. If your article is accepted for congress INJOSOS will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that IKSAD  does not retain copies of rejected articles. 

It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign copyright to the Cambridge Political Economy Society. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance. In consideration for granting the exclusive licence, the publisher will supply the author free url access to their article. The free url allows readers free access to the full text of your paper whether or not they are a subscriber to the journal.



IKSAD Congress authors have the option to publish their paper under the open access; whereby, for a charge, their paper will be made freely available online immediately upon publication. After your manuscript is accepted the corresponding author will be required to accept a mandatory licence to publish agreement. As part of the licensing process you will be asked to indicate whether or not you wish to pay for open access. If you do not select the open access option, your paper will be published with standard subscription-based access and you will not be charged.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research

International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research is a peer-reviewed in a monthly basis that publishes full-length papers. it is to enhance the dissemination of knowledge across the multidisciplinary community. We are particularly interested in papers relevant to all disciplines. The editorial board is keep to receive articles that address all areas. Topics: Arts, Business, Economics, and Management, Current Events and Controversial Issues, Education and Social Work, Health Sciences, Humanities, Natural and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Others Relevant Multidisplinary.



Al-Farabi does not accept papers that have been previously published elsewhere with the exception of working papers series. The Journal’s policy regarding working paper series is:

  • Pre-publication in working paper series is allowed where submission to the working paper series is prior to acceptance by the Journal.

  • The working paper version may remain online after publication in the Journal.

  • The working paper version should NOT be updated after acceptance by the Journal.

  • Authors are requested to append the appropriate citation to the working paper version on acceptance by the Journal (if the working paper series allows this).

ABSTRACT TEMPLATE                                                                                          FULL TEXT TEMPLATE

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